
Labor Day Weekend

So while trash talking at work on Friday, I came up with the slogan, "3 days, 300 miles." Way ambitious, but I was looking forward to a long mileage weekend.

Friday night I got in about 20 miles. Rode with Theodore and Chris just up Lake Dr and back. I then proceeded to go out on Friday night and got housed. Makers Mark on the rocks all night long. Friday mileage: 20.00

Saturday was a recovery day, I was actually pissed. Recovering from a hangover isn't nearly as satisfying as recovering from a series of good workouts. Saturday mileage: 0.00

Sunday was gorgeous. Got up and went to church, came home and got ready. In my jersey pockets I carried; wallet, keys, ipod, 2 gels, pretzels. I had a bottle of cytomax and a bottle of water as well.

My Polar S720i decided to can out from a dead battery. It's 3 years old so it was about time. $59 to send it in to get repaired? I think not. That's lame. I think a Suunto T6 may be in my future.

I knew my ride was going to end at Pewaukee lake, so I started out N on Lake drive to start before I headed out west. The ride north and south was uneventful, but i was hot. I made it west, but after 30 miles I was out of fluids and needed to refill asap. Next stop; Grandma's. I knew Grandpas fascination with orange Gatorade would pay off. Stopped and chatted for a bit, refilled both bottles and headed on my merry way out to the lake. Took about a half hour to get there, and there was a stiff headwind the entire way.

Got to the lake, put my suit on and chilled with a Deanna and her family for a bit. As we were ready to leave, I decided i'd ride home. Stopped at the BP got some MORE orange Gatorade and continued on.

Side note on Gatorade; it is way to sweet for me. After about two bottles I was completely uninterested in it.

The rest of the ride was uneventful. It was deceivingly hot, and my sweet farmers tan only became more pronounced as I manged to get way too much sun. I averaged about 18.7 mph during the roughly 3:30 ... but was aided by a few nice stops.
Sunday Mileage: 68.50

Monday I spent at home in Rockford after I drove home to hang out with mama and papa. We had a nice hike in the park, but the bike stayed secure in the car of my trunk. I had intentions to ride when I got back to Milwaukee, but couldn't find anyone to ride with. Monday Mileage: 0.00

So my weekend mileage was less than stellar, but I got a good ride in, got to recover from that ride and do lots of other things I needed to get done. My schedule for this week is going to look something like this;

T - team ride
W - recovery ride
T - class
F - tempo or intervals
Sat - NOT going Lake Geneva HIM, but may see if I can change to the sprint tri.
Sun - IM WI to watch Willy and Bennet.

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