
Health Journal - WSJ.com

Health Journal - WSJ.com: "Night owls are more creative, more flexible and more caffeinated, studies have found. Morning people are healthier, more conscientious and more emotionally stable. They're not as much fun at parties, but morning people run the world, and at least part of me aspires to be a morning person. So, in time for daylight-saving time this weekend, and with the help of several experts, I've been working to reset my circadian clock. My goal: to bound out of bed early, full of energy and good cheer."

I think this describes me perfectly .... especially the "no fun at parties" line. One of my goals this year was to start getting up earlier. I used to rise for work at 6:15, and then be out the door at 6:55 to work. Each week this year, I've set my alarm 5 minutes earlier and allow myself 1 snooze. I also put the alarm in my bathroom so I had to get out of bed to snooze and to turn it off. This week, I'm getting out of bed to shower at 5:35 ... and happy to do so. I'm getting to work about 20 minutes earlier than I used to, and as summer comes i'm going to try and fit in an extra 2-3 workouts a week with the morning time.

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